Today we slept in, till 8:30 a.m. and it was so wonderful. The cabin gets really cold and it is a mad rush in the morning to hurry and get dressed, and warm. So we lay in bed and kept cozy and I chuckled when Jacob, our 16 year old and "ranch manager", asked "Mama will the animals all be okay eating at nine instead of six?"
So eventually we got up and Jacob and Joseph, who is 14, went out to feed. Gary and I spring cleaned the cabin. Yes, we are far from Spring but, the sun was shining! The boys invited a bunch of cousins and friends over to play Airsoft and Johanna brought Alexander over, for us to babysit, while she went to a wedding luncheon.
Xander is 8 weeks old now and loves to smile. He cuddled and went to sleep, on my shoulder. I love being a grandmother! I talk to him in Afrikaans and my name for him is Katjie, kitten, because he never cries and when he was born he made mewling noises, just like a kitten.
He's beautiful, proud grandma :)
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