
Monday, January 19, 2009

Chickens and winter

It has been so cold and some of the animals have a hard time, especially some of the chickens. It seems like male bantams have the worst time. Last night the boys brought in a rooster who was frost bitten and lethargic. Gary soaked his feet in warm water and then we put him in a box, in a warm spot. This morning I was washing dishes, having forgotten about the rooster in the utility closet, when he came pecking across the kitchen floor and ate Harley, my Yorkie's, dog food. Out he went, into the ladies' coop! There are heat lamps in there so I had the boys catch all the Banty boys and put them in there.

This evening, two of the Bantams looked lethargic and they are in a box being doctored or vetted, in our cozy cabin.

I do like to treat the chickens to hot breakfast a few days a week. I will put a large saucepan on the back burner, half full of water and on low heat. Then throughout the day and evening, I will clean out the fridge, potato peels, wrinkly apples, leftover oatmeal, dinner scraps, fridge yuckies etc. The next morning, the pot is full and while reheating, I add the final touch, cayenne pepper and garlic. Cayenne pepper fakes the ladies into thinking they are warm and the garlic is a great way to eliminate parasites and I think that if garlic is good for all sorts of human maladies, it must be good for chickens too. Besides, if I were a chicken I would love a hot meal a few days a week, for all the work involved in laying!


Rachel Haxby said...

those are some spoiled chickens! haha

Tina said...

That sounds like good seasoning to me :)
I don't like to send my boys out without a hot breakfast, I think it makes their brains work better :)