I just blogged and it disappeared! Our internet has been down for a couple of weeks and so...no blogging! Also I have had the winter blues and you really do not want to hear what I had to say...lol I am a sunlight person, I love winter but it is bad for me, I get very depressed.
Gary is enjoying working in the new practice. He loves Family medicine and working with Dr Parker and Dr Curtis. We are looking forward to receiving our first paycheck, the first in over a year. We raided the change jar for gas money the other day, thank you for the $3 Jacob, and Gary said that we are in the Fourth watch. I wonder if there is a fifth watch we don't know about yet.
I have learned so many lessons the last two years.
Never listen to gossip because you are probably being gossiped about and you are the only one who is aware of the truth.
Family, stick by you, no matter what.
Friends, should be few and well chosen, like books.
Be grateful and look for the miracles constantly.
Heavenly Father cares, comforts and listens all the time.
Health is a precious gift, never take it for granted.
Be kind to yourself.
Love and listen to your children.
I am so blessed to have my children. Each of them calls almost everyday. They come out and help on the farm, or come and listen to me worry and fret. They call to encourage and cheer us on. They never ask for anything, try to figure out what they can do to be of service. They are wonderful! Jacob borrowed Garys car to go to Young Men last night and this morning noticed that Jacob had filled it up.
This will be a growing year. I have learned that self-sufficiency is a path to freedom, and one of our goals this year is to become even more so. Thank goodness for chickens and pigs. It's a good thing we all love eggs and the chickens love us.
I agree. I think that it takes so much energy to be a friend and that only those who have an energy that is positive to yours should be cultivated.
I wish we had chickens :) Not the mess, just the eggs :)
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