We have been busy, digging out of snow again. Here is a photo of one of the bunnies, he obviously dug out! The ladies all quit laying, so cold even the cayenne doesn't work. They deserve a rest but I dislike store bought eggs. They are tasteless! Yesterday I made breakfast burritos for the freezer and cleaned out the fridge,the pigs had a feast.
I thought I would post my recipe for laundry soap. It is much cheaper than store bought laundry soap and does an amazing job. I buy the "ingredients" at Broulims, our local grocery store.
1/3 bars of Fels Naptha, grated with a cheese grater
1/2 cup Washing Soda, Arm and Hammer, but not Baking Soda
1/2 cup of Borax, 20 mule team.
Bring 6 cups hot water to boil and add the grated Fels Naptha and stir till dissolved. Add the Washing soda and Borax and stir till dissolved, add it to 10 cups hot water and stir thoroughly. Add another gallon of water and stir thoroughly. Leave overnight and it will thicken. Stir alot so break up clumps, or use a hand mixer to break it up. I keep mine in a two gallon water container, that has a spigot on the bottom. I use a half cup for each load, so it is easy to dispense. This ends up costing a penny a load and my laundry is lovely and clean. I have an HE washer and it works well in it because the soap is low sudsing.
I may have to try that soap recipe. There are a lot of things I want to try, may as well start somewhere, right :)
Good to see you today. Love that little Harley.
i love the bunny :) :) bunnies are so cute!! baby says hi! cause i feel him/her kick alot more than before!!
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