What a tough day! David, my eldest son, left for the Marines yesterday. My family is amazing, all the children and spouses, and my parents came to see him off. Sergeant Quinn was wonderful and explained what would happen during this next week. I was really bummed because we don't have a landline and David would need to call collect to give us an update. Well, this morning I got a call from Montana, Sergeant Quinn must have let David use his cell. He made it through MEPS and is on his way to San Diego to boot camp. He is nervous and excited. His worst days will be Thursday and Friday this week. He will do another fitness test on Thursday and if he gets through that, he continues with whatever platoon he has been assigned to, if he does not, he goes to a fitness division to get "fixed". David has lost 30 pounds preparing and has been going to the gym everyday with Sergeant Quinn for weeks, so we will see how he does. I think he will do fine. Friday is the day when the stress them out, to see who will stay. Gary has really been preparing David for this. He told him to remember "what they are trying to do and don't lose your cool, don't let them get to you. Remember that they want to break you down and build you into what they need, what you will need to be to survive combat." Good advice!
The first photo is of David with my mom and the second is of David and my dad.
I am so proud of him, he has worked so hard and I am going to miss the texts and calls. Good luck David, our prayers are with you, we love you.
Momma, just so you know I hadn't cried at all! About David leaving till I read this. You have an amazing talent reaching peoples hearts through your writing. I love you! :)
Well written.
And good for Gary to be so honest about what is to be expected of him. Jeff (my husband) has said the same thing many times about boot camp. They just try to mess with you and let it go.
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