
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Miracles everyday

Our twenty year old son, David, was at MEPS, in Montana, yesterday and today. His Marine recruiting officer, and other recruits were also part of the trip. He was talking to me on the phone, in the background I could hear the others, and because of his audience, what he said was something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. He said lovingly: "I love you, Mama, I love you!" He scored very well on ASVAB and was sworn into the military today. He leaves for Basic Training on the 20th January 2009. I am going to miss him so very, very much!

I gave the rest of the children the news, "David was in the military!" and Gabriel, our seven year old approached me with a very worried face and a question: "Mom, is David going to die in Iraq?" I actually dropped a mug I was washing. Gabriel picked it up off the floor, it was unbroken, and as he handed it to me he said, "There's your miracle for today Mom, it didn't break!" But what he said to us next was eye opening. "Everyday we will pray for David and when he is still safe at the end of the day, we will know that we had our miracle." Then he was quiet for a moment before adding," but actually there are many miracles in everyday."

Wow, what an old soul!

Later I tried to videotape the funniest thing! Gabriel went running down the lane and behind him chased a flock of wild turkeys. He spun around and waved his arms at them and they fluttered back for a moment. Back up the the slope he ran, towards the greenhouse, turkeys close behind, once again he stopped and waved them off, this time using a siblings' tennis shoe, swinging it wildly by a long lace. What happened next had the tears running down our faces, in laughter. He grabbed a sled and ran down the lane, launching himself to get a good run down the slope. Behind him ran and flew the turkeys, then they followed him back up the slope. By the time I figured out where the camera was the turkeys were tired of the game.

Yes, there are many miracles in every day. We just need to stop and listen and notice.


Tina said...

Thank you for the reminder! Everyday there are so many miracles and I think we miss them more often than not.
What smart and brave boys you have!

Rachel Haxby said...

this made me cry. I could blame it on the hormones but i don't think thats what it is. :) I love you :) Thank you