The last few weeks have been the craziest that we have experienced in a long time. It began with my eldest daughter, Johanna. She has experienced lots of pre-term labor and ended up at labor and delivery twice. But now we are out of the woods and she has two weeks to go! Then my sweetheart, Gary, had a GI bleed and needed surgery, but his HCT and hemoglobin continued to drop and this week ended up with a blood transfusion and today will get an iron transfusion also. He is feeling lots better already. Jacob, my fourth, totaled his car in a wreck on an icy bridge, but he is fine, my eldest son was moving horse panels with our side by side Arctic cat and rolled it onto his foot, but it is only sprained. Then yesterday, our youngest, Gabriel, was feeding the sheep and got in with the rams, he had missed the feeder and got feed in the water tank and wanted to clean it out. Before he knew it, Thor, and Icelandic ram, was ramming him. His brothers carried him into the house, I could hear he was really hurting. The hand he had protected his stomach with was very bruised and I was worried he'd broken his ring finger. He is fine, sprained fingers and lots of bruises. One funny story, Gabriel kept saying he'd landed on his coccyx when Thor had initially rammed him and it hurt, Gabriel wants to be a plastic surgeon, and so he has learned some of the body parts. But in the back of my mind I blew it off. When he took a shower, I noticed a large bruise on his rear. Gabriel is Fine.
Last night I washed 11 eggs at the kitchen sink. One was little, cradled easily in a teaspoon and the largest was almost as long as a tennis ball, huge and spotted! Beautiful eggs, small and large like my children, and despite all the rough hens and turkeys, they were fine too.
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