
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Cosmos is shifting

I have been very busy. I seldom seem to get near the computer lately and then if I do it is just for a minute. We have huge exciting changes ahead of us, here on the farm and in our family.

David graduates with his MOS today. It has been an amazing year for him in the Marine Corp. I cannot believe how much he has grown and changed. He is an incredible man and we are so proud of him.

Jacob graduated from high school and became an Elder, he is preparing to go on his mission. He turns 19 in December. He has accomplished so very much and I think he is such a great man.

Johanna is expecting a baby in December. She is 15 weeks pregnant and we all say "she" because we have lots of grandsons and would love to see a little girl around. Not to mention shopping for her...
Hanna and Andy also moved down to Provo this past week. I spent a seek with Hanna helping her unpack, and one evening was spent in the emergency room, rehydrating her and getting meds on board. She is awful morning sickness and I think she got a bug too. Andy is enrolled in the Masters program at BYU to become a Navy Chaplain.

K.C. and Ashley were married Saturday and it was a wonderful wedding. They were married in the Idaho Falls Temple, had the luncheon at the Sandpiper and then a beautiful reception in the evening. Ashley's family, the Holmgrens, are so very sweet and K.C. has gained a great family. He asked me to dance, after he'd danced with his mom, I was so surprised and touched, and while we were dancing he told me that he had never been happier in his life. It made me cry. Now they are off to Europe, for their honeymoon, for 6 weeks.

So, life goes on. Busier and busier. Also I have decided to remove stuff from my life. The next two weekends, we are having the mother of all garage sales. Time to make room in this one room cabin!


Tina said...

What a busy few months for you! I thought of you this week when we went to a Pioneer Village in Shelley and milked goats :) Good luck with your sale...I am getting to a point where I want sooo much of what we have gone. It's just hard to decide what and where to take it all.