Did you know that we have a 5th season here in Salem? Mud season is serious stuff, the weather is warm enough to feel Spring-like but the mega snow has to melt. Since there is so much snow, it takes weeks to melt. Because we have several feet of snow, did I mention that we have lots of snow, it makes mud. Inches of mud! Today friends came over to play and all ended up taking a shower and wearing my kids' clothes because they were covered in mud. Not just mud, manure enriched mud!
Mud season also smells very farm-like. The aromatic ammonia is produced copiously by our horses, cows, sheep, chickens, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks (including the wild mallards that think this is home, they eat from the cats' dish outside the door), dogs (Layah, our old Springer Spaniel is the dog looking so woeful, Blue, our Australian Shepherd, is off rounding up the geese, because the sheep won't cooperate, and Harley and Emily, my Yorkies are taking refuge in the cabin because they sink and disappear into the mud), cats, bunnies, parrots and one lone tortoise. Ok, we can't blame the tortoise.
I LOVE Mud Season, it means Spring is almost here, and it has been a LONG, long, long winter.
Love mud season! It means I may be able to talk Jeff into oneo f those shark steam cleaners for my floor :)
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