H.P. (High Performance), was a part of my life for a long time, about 16 years. He was a true Grand Champion. He had A NOBLE bloodline. He was a descendent from the Polish Arabs that Napolean brought back from his Egyptian Expedition. His sires were Calvary and show horses. I have a box of his ribbons and trophies at the apartment.
He also had a quirky sense of humor. Always gracious and never mean or unpredictable. He was a far more talented horse, than I ever was a rider. Fortunately now, he has a rider who can really allow him to express his potential. My Dad was a true horseman. I'm certain that he can take time from his missionary work to ride him. I'm so glad that H.P had someone to greet him at his passing.
He will be deeply missed. He was a beloved friend.
Happy trails, H.P., Happy trails.
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