This is my favorite photo of David in Haiti. This little boy was having a bad day and David was comforting him.
We worked in 6 orphanges and worked with about 600 orphans. My husband is a retired Anesthesiologist and is going to Haiti to help with the recovery efforts. There is so much we can all do.
I have heard generous comments about helping people in Haiti and then concerned comments about what is going on here, in the States. I don't think we need to make a choice. I think we can do both. Perhaps the Haitian earthquake can remind us all to be more generous because as David put it "Our worst day, is better than their best day", and that was before the quake.
You must be so proud of him. What a great guy. I so admire the men and women of our country that put God and country first. I come from a family with many who have served and appreciate those that do.
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