
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Check out our squash

Bennings Green Tint. A beautiful summer squash.
Sweet Meat. (C.Maxima)
This little squash is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. Grow some next year! Table Gold Acorn (C.pepo).
This is grown from rare seed. A Lebanese White Bush Marrow.

These beautiful heirloom squash are Buttercup (C.maxima).


Tina said...

how lovely!we are excited to have grown anything in our first year of gardening...cantaloupe, pumpkin, peas, beans, strawberries, corn, cucumber, zucchini...some weird yellow squash that I thought was a giant pumpkin, peppers and tomatos :) it's not a big garden, but I am so pleased :)

Jacob said...

It is really rewarding. By the way the Fall Harvest Party is the 30th and starts at 5 p.m.

Bernadine said...

at was really my reply, guess jacob hadn't logged off and I didn't notice.