I use one of my stockpots to bathe the babies. The smaller the baby, the smaller the stockpot. The sink is too low for me... and the deeper water covers their shoulders, keeping them warm and getting the scent of the herbs up close to their noses.
To hot water I add, a sprig of fresh Thyme, a Sage leaf, a two inch piece of Rosemary and three drops of Lavender. It calms a cranky baby down and they go right to sleep.
This is Frederick James Haxby, almost 5 months old and adorable.
Remember never to leave babies alone, even for an instant, seconds later Freddie wanted to suck his toes and could've slipped down in the deep water.
Hey guys, I have been trying to get a hold of my dad. Could you have him give me a call? Thanks!
That is adorable and the herb idea is great!
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